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Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:45 pm
by champagne_charly

Hope everyone is well. I see that the whole GD thing has come on a long way since I last looked. Website and all.. Well done Loic!!!!

Anyway... Barcodes.. So I see that they are now part of the component.. Unfortuntely I have not had time to play wiht the new version but from what I have read, it can still only WRITE bar codes.. is that right? What I would like to do is to read them. Is this/ will this be possible?


Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 11:49 am
by Loïc
Hi charly !

Happy to see you here again :D

For the barcodes you can only write they into an image. The GdPicture components are not dedicated for the ICR/OCR.

Actually I am looking for a parner to add optional barcode Reading into GdPicture & GdPicture Pro.

Best regards,

Loïc Carrère

Barcode + Sugestion

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 12:06 am
by champagne_charly
Fantastic.. I hope you find one. Alternatively could you not use a component from Leadtools and or blackice? And then add it as an optional extra? From what I have read they seem to have the best and most versitile barcode reading capabilities out there (talking as someone who knows very little about these things).. I also came against this: ... nload.aspx

and have downloaded it just in case.

maybe they will help you in your search. Maybe not..

Anyway Bonne Chance

Antoine (alias: chamapgne_charly)