Print portion of image inside Annotation with Margins

Discussions about document printing in GdPicture.NET using GdPictureImaging.
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Print portion of image inside Annotation with Margins

Post by dblwizard » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:36 pm


I'm building an application that displays an image and then overlays an AnnotationRectangle on the image that the user can drag around the image. Think of this as a "window" on the picture. Once the user gets the "window" where they want it they then print, printing only the portion of the image that is in the window. I also need to control where on the paper the image prints.

I've got code to print the portion of the image partially working but not completely. My calculations must be a little off as the printing starts farther to the right of the original image than the window is sitting.

I can't find anyway to control the starting location of the image on the printer. My guess is I'm going to have to use the .net System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument and System.Drawing.Image objects but I don't see how to get an Image object from the GdPicture library.

//_image is class variable of type GdPictureImaging
//_imageID is an int of the current image.
private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int left = 0;
int top = 0;
int height = 0;
int width = 0;

GdPictureStatus status = new GdPictureStatus();
float xRes = _image.GetHorizontalResolution(_imageID);
float yRes = _image.GetVerticalResolution(_imageID);

//Annotation Left & Top property are to the center of the Annotation so I'm subtracting
//half of the size of the Annotation.
left = (int)((_highlighter.Left - (_highlighter.Width /2)) * xRes);
top = (int)((_highlighter.Top - (_highlighter.Height /2)) * yRes);
width = (int)(_highlighter.Width * xRes);
height = (int)(_highlighter.Height * yRes);
status = _image.Crop(_imageID, left, top, width, height);

if (status == GdPictureStatus.OK)
MessageBox.Show("Error cropping image. Status:" + status.ToString());

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:52 am

Re: Print portion of image inside Annotation with Margins

Post by Gabriela » Mon May 06, 2019 11:49 am


Are you still experience such issues with GdPicture14? The toolkit now contains many improved and optimized new features. If you can replicate your issues with the current release (, please send us a current code snippet, related documents and show us the issue in more details, so we can assist you further.
Thank you.

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