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Valid OCR Confidence

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:19 pm
Hi There

I have picked up in the forum that the confidence levels are not at a character level but at a word level and you just need to check the confidence of the first character, so why in your examples do you show the ability to loop thru each of the characters returned getting their ".OCRTesseractGetCharConfidence" which is the same in each case, seems pointless, unless I'm missing something.

That being said what are the acceptable ranges in your opinion for a true OCR result, is the figure returned (e.g. 90) does this relate to 90% accurate.

Derry Taylor

Re: Valid OCR Confidence

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:57 pm
by Loïc
so why in your examples do you show the ability to loop thru each of the characters returned getting their ".OCRTesseractGetCharConfidence" which is the same in each case, seems pointless, unless I'm missing something.
I do not understand what you mean and which sample you are talking about. Could you clarify?

That being said what are the acceptable ranges in your opinion for a true OCR result, is the figure returned (e.g. 90) does this relate to 90% accurate.
From the reference guide:
Confidence between 0 and 100. 0=rejected, 100=perfect



Re: Valid OCR Confidence

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:44 am
Hi There

In your example in your documentation "OCRTesseractGetCharConfidence" you show how you can loop thru each character that has been ocr'd to get it's confidence, but as you state in other posts on this site, each of the confidences will be the same for each character as the confidence is word related, I've done the test and this is so. So how do you get each characters confidence level?

With regards the confidence % what would you believe is an acceptable result 50% 70% 80% 90% 100%??? because so far I have been unable to achieve a reading of 100%


Re: Valid OCR Confidence

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:27 pm
by Gabriela