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What does the 'TwainItemTypes' mean ?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:24 am
by junwei1994
Dear all,

Would appreciate that if you could tell what does each of the enum in 'TwainItemTypes' mean.

When I run the code below, it returns me the TWTY_BOOL''.

Dim type As TwainItemTypes = oGdPictureImaging.TwainGetCapItemType(TwainCapabilities.CAP_UICONTROLLABLE)

Best Regards,
Jun Wei

Re: What does the 'TwainItemTypes' mean ?

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:39 pm
by Gabriela

You can read more in TWAIN Specification, see the section ItemType for Capability Container structures. In short, TwainItemTypes enum defines the item type used by a specific TWAIN capability. So in your example for CAP_UICONTROLLABLE it means this capability is boolean (TWTY_BOOL).