RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

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RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by SMOsama » Fri Aug 20, 2021 1:01 pm

RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick function is not working for me. I have picked example from samples of javascript-rest and over there just register this above function but it didn't work. Kindly tell me what I am doing wrong. I have attached JS file code also. RegisterOnNewDocumentLoaded is working but acquirebuttonClick is not. Kindly help. I am stuck over here.

Two more very important thing if anyone knows then please tell me this also first is that I need JS function of BeforeDocumentIsLoaded. Where can I find this function in javascript and second is When the user clicks on Acquire Button I need the selected Device name. From which JS function I can fetch device name which is selected in dropdown of Device.
JS file
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Re: RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by Fabio » Fri Aug 20, 2021 3:59 pm

Hello there,

I reported the issue to our developer team, I'll keep you updated on it.

Thanks for the feedback,

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Re: RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by SMOsama » Fri Aug 20, 2021 4:04 pm

Thanks for your response.

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Re: RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by Fabio » Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:51 am

Hello there,

The issue has been corrected and will be available on our next minor release.
I'll keep you posted when it will be available for download.

Wit best,

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Re: RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by SMOsama » Tue Aug 31, 2021 9:00 am


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Re: RegisterOnTwainAcquisitionDialogAcquireButtonClick not working

Post by Fabio » Fri Sep 03, 2021 5:37 pm


Our new version with the asked correction has just been released!
You can check it out by downloading and updating your SDK:

Let me know if you face any issues here.

With best,

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