PDF with Annotations - Can you fill it out within GDViewer?

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PDF with Annotations - Can you fill it out within GDViewer?

Post by nlraley » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:33 pm

We have PDFs with fillable annotations, i.e. text fields, checkboxes, and signature fields. When we open these in Adobe, we can fill out these fields, so we know they are set up to be compatible with as far as that goes.

In your current version, is it possible to fill these out within your GDViewer? i.e. you click a checkbox and it checks, click a text field and you can type text, and, preferably, digitally sign a PDF signature field?

I attempted to open the PDF with your annotation example, but none of the PDF fields are fillable in that example, without adding additional annotations through your toolbar.

We are looking at different solutions to achieve this and were wandering if we could use your product to accomplish this. We have also been unsuccessful in attempting to use your digital signature example as well, it throws an access denied exception each time we attempt to sign.


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Re: PDF with Annotations - Can you fill it out within GDViewer?

Post by Cedric » Thu Nov 03, 2016 4:12 pm

The PDF form fields are accessible (read and write) from code only with the provided methods. Unfortunately no interaction is possible with form fields inside a GdViewer user control at the moment. That's a feature we have on our todo list though, but we still do not have a clear schedule for it as ...

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