Handling Large Files

Example requests & Code samples for GdPicture Toolkits.
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Handling Large Files

Post by gokaysatir » Mon May 25, 2015 9:29 am


I am a licenced user. We are creating an application for using in the field of digital archiving. We are also using the application while developing it in a big project.

Our files are generally small sized. We scan the papers and create some copies of it. The problem shows (out of memory exception) when i try to create copies of large sized files. The functions i use is as below.

// For some reasons my computer has no internet connection so i can not directly send you the code. In fact i think you won't need the code while helping. If you just show the way of thinking, i can handle the rest.

int pictureID = createGDPictureImagingFromFile(filePath);

GdPictureStatus ps = gdpictureimaging.saveAsJPEG(filePath, Quality, Compression, progress) // I don't know what progress is (just a virtual progress bar?), and i wonder if it may help handling large files.

//Sometimes i can load the file but i can not save it as jpeg. ps variable says the error is: "Out of memory".

Now all i want to do is:

- Load a file (always tif).Large files are sized about 1.5 Gb.
- Change its resolution.
- Save the file in a different format (always jpeg).

The above progress is repeated three times for every page.

any help will be appreciated. Thank you:)

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Re: Handling Large Files

Post by Romain » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:02 pm


The "out of memory exception" will be throwed if your computer have not enough memory to manipulate images. How many memory do you have on your computer ?
Do you release images from memory using ReleaseGdPictureImage after saving your image and before open a new one ? (https://www.gdpicture.com/guides/gdpicture/web ... Image.html)

The progressive parameter is use to obtain interlaced Jpeg compressed like explain here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG#JPEG_compression

Please let us know if you need further informations.

With best regards,
GdPicture Team

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