Error regarding UIDocumentViewingPrinting

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Error regarding UIDocumentViewingPrinting

Post by neneaq » Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:21 pm

Hi all,
I'm trying to upgrade from version 14.0.32 to 14.2.43 to have HEIC support.

I work in Visual Studio with C#.

I changed only the reference and the license number. I can see HEIC images on viewer but a message always pop up: "The GDPicture feature UIDocumentViewingPrinting is required to execute this instruction".

The error occurs on: "_gdViewer.DisplayFromGdPictureImage(_imageID);"

Previously I didn't receive this error. What can I do to solve the issue?


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Re: Error regarding UIDocumentViewingPrinting

Post by Hugo » Mon Jan 29, 2024 4:08 pm

Hi there,

Thanks for contacting us.

For these types of issues, this occurs because of the license key you have. In any case, any license key which was valid for V14.1.X and V14.0.X will not be valid for our latest version V14.2.X. Please contact us on support if you want me to provide you with a trial key.

To get this working and profitable in your application you will ultimately need to contact our sales team to get a new license key.

Hugo Cudd
Technical Support

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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2024 4:46 pm

Re: Error regarding UIDocumentViewingPrinting

Post by neneaq » Wed Jan 31, 2024 3:45 pm

Hi, thanks for your reply.

We have a valid license for V14.2.X.

If I delete row

Code: Select all

I get error "Starting GdPicture.NET 14.2 a new license key is required. Please contact our sales..."

If I specify the license number, the error is "The GDPicture feature UIDocumentViewingPrinting is required to execute this instruction".


Posts: 233
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:09 am

Re: Error regarding UIDocumentViewingPrinting

Post by Hugo » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:53 pm

Hi Nazareno,

This might be specific to your license key. Could you contact us here please?

I'll be waiting to hear from you there so we can address this specific issue with your license key.

Hugo Cudd
Technical Support

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