A System.IO.Stream object that will contain the document content, in TIFF format.
Specifies the page range to save. Use empty value or '*' to include all pages. Default value is "*".
Specifies whether annotations must be removed from the produced document. Default value is false.
Specifies whether annotations must be burnt into the produced document. Default value is false.

In This Topic

SaveAsTIFF Method (DocuVieware)

In This Topic
Saves a copy of the native document as TIFF.
Public Function SaveAsTIFF( _
   ByVal Stream As Stream, _
   Optional ByVal PageRange As String, _
   Optional ByVal DropAnnotations As Boolean, _
   Optional ByVal BurnAnnotations As Boolean _
) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus SaveAsTIFF( 
   Stream Stream,
   string PageRange,
   bool DropAnnotations,
   bool BurnAnnotations


A System.IO.Stream object that will contain the document content, in TIFF format.
Specifies the page range to save. Use empty value or '*' to include all pages. Default value is "*".
Specifies whether annotations must be removed from the produced document. Default value is false.
Specifies whether annotations must be burnt into the produced document. Default value is false.

Return Value

A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration.
See Also