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Reference Guides / JavaScript API / Events / RegisterOnSnapInPanelResized


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This function allows you to trigger a function of your own when the Snap-In panel is resized.

This callback won't be triggered when the Snap-In panel is collapsed or expanded, if you need to do something when it happens, please see RegisterOnSnapInPanelToggle.
RegisterOnSnapInPanelResized: function (docuViewareID, callback)


The identifier for the DocuVieware™ instance.
The function you want to execute on event.
The callback will recieve an integer as argument that is the Snap-In panel width after resize.

Return Value

1 if error.

Example of usage

This JavaScript makes sure the DocuVieware control is properly loaded and initialized and then subscribes to the event on load.

function RegisterOnSnapInPanelResizedOnDocuViewareAPIReady() {
    if (typeof DocuViewareAPI !== "undefined" && DocuViewareAPI.IsInitialized("DocuVieware1")) {
        DocuViewareAPI.RegisterOnSnapInPanelResized("DocuVieware1", function (newWidth) { console.log("new width is", newWidth); });
    else {
        setTimeout(function () { RegisterOnSnapInPanelResizedOnDocuViewareAPIReady() }, 10);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
}, false);