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Programming / PDF / Adding an image to a newly created PDF document

Adding an image to a newly created PDF document

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Adding images to PDF documents requires adding an image to the PDF as a resource and then you can draw the image onto a page using that resource. Of course, you can do both in one step by setting the DrawImage parameter to True/true in the AddImageFromGdPictureImage() method.

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'We assume that GdPicture has been correctly installed and unlocked.
Dim oGdPicturePDF As New GdPicturePDF()
Dim oGdPictureImaging As New GdPictureImaging()
'Creating a new empty PDF document.
If oGdPicturePDF.NewPDF() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
    'Just to remind you that units are set to points and the origin is set to bottom left by default.
    'Loading an image from a file.
    Dim imageID As Integer = oGdPictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile("input.tif")
    If oGdPictureImaging.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
        'Adding a new empty page into the PDF document.
        'Getting the page width and height.
        Dim pageWidth As Single = oGdPicturePDF.GetPageWidth()
        Dim pageHeight As Single = oGdPicturePDF.GetPageHeight()
        'Adding an image as a resource into the PDF document - we decided not to draw the image in this moment.
        Dim imageResName As String = oGdPicturePDF.AddImageFromGdPictureImage(imageID, False, False)
        'Drawing the image resource onto the current page and saving the PDF document.
        If (oGdPicturePDF.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK) OrElse
           (oGdPicturePDF.DrawImage(imageResName, pageWidth / 3, pageHeight / 3, pageWidth / 3, pageHeight / 3) <> GdPictureStatus.OK) OrElse
           (oGdPicturePDF.SaveToFile("output.pdf") <> GdPictureStatus.OK) Then
            MessageBox.Show("The example has NOT been followed successfully. Error: " + oGdPicturePDF.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If
        'Releasing the image.
        MessageBox.Show("The image can't be loaded. Error: " + oGdPictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
    End If
    MessageBox.Show("The new PDF document can't be created. Error: " + oGdPicturePDF.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
End If
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//We assume that GdPicture has been correctly installed and unlocked.
GdPicturePDF oGdPicturePDF = new GdPicturePDF();
GdPictureImaging oGdPictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging();
//Creating a new empty PDF document.
if (oGdPicturePDF.NewPDF() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
   //Just to remind you that units are set to points and the origin is set to bottom left by default.
   //Loading an image from a file.
   int imageID = oGdPictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile("input.tif");
    if (oGdPictureImaging.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
        //Adding a new empty page into the PDF document.
        //Getting the page width and height.
        float pageWidth = oGdPicturePDF.GetPageWidth();
        float pageHeight = oGdPicturePDF.GetPageHeight();
        //Adding an image as a resource into the PDF document - we decided not to draw the image in this moment.
        string imageResName = oGdPicturePDF.AddImageFromGdPictureImage(imageID, false, false);
        if ((oGdPicturePDF.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK) ||
            //Drawing the image resource onto the current page.
            (oGdPicturePDF.DrawImage(imageResName, pageWidth / 3, pageHeight / 3, pageWidth / 3, pageHeight / 3) != GdPictureStatus.OK) ||
            //Saving the PDF document.
            (oGdPicturePDF.SaveToFile("output.pdf") != GdPictureStatus.OK))
            MessageBox.Show("The example has NOT been followed successfully. Error: " + oGdPicturePDF.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        //Releasing the image.
        MessageBox.Show("The image can't be loaded. Error: " + oGdPictureImaging.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
    MessageBox.Show("The new PDF document can't be created. Error: " + oGdPicturePDF.GetStat().ToString(), "Adding an image Example", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);