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Converting Microsoft Word Binary File document (.doc) to Microsoft Word OpenXML document (docx)
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The GdPicture.NET SDK includes the GdPictureDocumentConverter class, which provides many different methods and properties for document conversion of 100+ document/image formats.
This class also provides methods to manage parameters like font, margin, page range, or image quality.
Now, let’s see how to convert a .doc to a .docx file in two steps:
C# Copy Code GdPictureStatus status; using (GdPictureDocumentConverter gdpictureDocumentConverter = new GdPictureDocumentConverter()) { status = gdpictureDocumentConverter.LoadFromFile("input.doc"); if (status == GdPictureStatus.OK) { status = gdpictureDocumentConverter.SaveAsDOCX("output.docx"); if (status == GdPictureStatus.OK) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The file has been saved successfully.", "GdPicture"); } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The file has failed to save. Status: " + status.ToString(), "GdPicture"); } } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("The file has failed to load. Status: " + status.ToString(), "GdPicture"); } }
Do not forget to use the GdPictureStatus class to have a following of your process and get potential errors.
GdPictureDocumentConverter provides two ways of saving your document as a DOCX:
- as a string, which is the destination file path
- using a Stream object, to write the document data onto.
You can also change properties.
For example, you can change the image quality in your DOCX output document like this:
gdpictureDocumentConverter.DocxImageQuality = 100;
You will find here all the properties here.