The file path of the image file to be checked.

In This Topic

IsCMYKFile Method (GdPictureImaging)

In This Topic
Checks whether the specified image file is CMYK color space based.
Public Function IsCMYKFile( _
   ByVal FilePath As String _
) As Boolean
public bool IsCMYKFile( 
   string FilePath
public function IsCMYKFile( 
    FilePath: String
): Boolean; 
public function IsCMYKFile( 
   FilePath : String
) : boolean;
public: bool IsCMYKFile( 
   string* FilePath
bool IsCMYKFile( 
   String^ FilePath


The file path of the image file to be checked.

Return Value

true if the specified image file is using CMYK color space, otherwise false. The GetStat method can be subsequently used to determine if this method has been successful.
It is recommend to use the GetStat method to identify the specific reason for the method's failure, if any.

Be aware that this method does not change the last file path used with this GdPictureImaging object.

This method requires the Image Documents component to run.

Applying ICM correction when saving CMYK based image as a tiff image.
using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging())
    string filePath = "image.jpg";
    if (gdpictureImaging.IsCMYKFile(filePath))
        // Enable color correction.
        int imageID = gdpictureImaging.CreateGdPictureImageFromFile(filePath);
        gdpictureImaging.SaveAsTIFF(imageID, "output.tiff", true, TiffCompression.TiffCompressionJPEG, 90);
        // Release used resources.
See Also