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Licensing / Unlocking GdPicture.NET

Unlocking GdPicture.NET

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Unlocking the GdPicture.NET toolkit is extremely simple: it is done via code in your application.
You have to create a LicenseManager object, then call the RegisterKEY() method with the license key you own.

You need to do this on the load of your application, basically before you use any of the functions or features of the GdPicture.NET toolkit.

If your key is a trial license key all the features of GdPicture will be activated.
 Using your license key
You won't be able to use the SDK for development purpose until it has been properly installed and activated through the LicenseManager.exe application that is located in the installation folder.
For more information about the activation process, please refer to the Support FAQ and the Activating your commercial license for development purpose documentation.
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'Creating a License Manager object
Dim oLicenseManager As New LicenseManager
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//Creating a License Manager object
LicenseManager oLicenseManager = new LicenseManager();
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CLicenseManager oLicenseManager;
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BSTR bstrLicense = ::SysAllocString(L"LICENSE_KEY");
if (bstrLicense != NULL)
   _LicenseManagerPtr oLicenseManager(__uuidof(LicenseManager));
   VARIANT_BOOL result = oLicenseManager->RegisterKEY(bstrLicense);
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BSTR bstrLicense = ::SysAllocString(L"LICENSE_KEY");
if (bstrLicense != NULL)
   _LicenseManagerPtr oLicenseManager;
   oLicenseManager = (_LicenseManagerPtr)CreateComObject(CLSID_LicenseManager);
   bstrLicense = NULL;
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   LicenseManager1: Variant;
   LicenseManager1 := CreateOleObject('GdPicture14.LicenseManager');
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var oLicenseManager;
oLicenseManager = new ActiveXObject("GdPicture14.LicenseManager");
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long ll_result
OLEObject oLicenseManager
oLicenseManager = CREATE OLEObject
ll_result = oLicenseManager.ConnectToNewObject("GdPicture14.LicenseManager")
Copy Code
Dim oLicenseManager As New LicenseManager
Call oLicenseManager.RegisterKEY("LICENSE_KEY")
Copy Code
Dim oLicenseManager As New GdPicture_NET_14.LicenseManager
oLicenseManager.RegisterKey ("LICENSE_KEY")
See Also