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After two years of remote sessions, the PDF Days are back for a hybrid event with a technical workshop and a conference that is also live-streamed from Berlin. This year the PDF conference is preceded by a Deep Technical Workshop led by the PDF Association CTO Peter Wyatt.The event is intended for developers and will […]
Communicating ideas in digital documents can often be made much clearer through the use of layers. Layers have been supported in PDF documents since version 1.5 through optional content groups (OCGs), also known as PDF layers. “Optional” is key here. OCGs allow us to group images or annotations together, then control their visibility based on […]
Hi Everyone, We’re now back from CES where we presented our new PassportPDF solution to the public. We’re a bit late for this wrap-up, but what happened is that all of us who went to Vegas caught the flu on the way back (thank you, freezing planes and convention center!), which slowed things quite a […]
Don’t get your fingers burned with uncovered sensitive data Have you ever heard of PDF Redaction? If not, well either you don’t have sensitive content to hide, either you are doing it the wrong way. If yes, ask yourself: am I redacting my files properly? In this article, you will learn how to redact PDF […]
Here are the links for the two previous articles of the series: 1. Introduction to the Optimization of Existing PDF files: Methods 2. Lossless Methods: Optimization of Document Content A PDF document is composed of various data structures, described as different objects. In the scope of optimization, one is particularly important: the stream object. This […]
Hi everyone, It’s been some time since the ISO (International Organization for Standards) has released PDF 2.0 (ISO 32000-2:2017), a long-awaited update of the standardized version of the PDF format, PDF 1.7 (ISO 32000-1:2008). The “next generation of PDF” introduces a wide range of much-awaited features based on the collaborative work of the ISO technical […]
Hi everyone, We continue our PDF Optimization series (started with two articles about fonts, Pack and Optimize Fonts in PDF and Fonts Optimization in PDF) with a broader overview of what you can do to optimize PDFs. It’s not news, electronic documents are everywhere. Electronic invoices in PDF format, for example, represent the most considerable […]
We’re happy to introduce our new PDF/A Converter, available in our SDK with GdPicture.NET version 14.1.22. Today we’re going to explain more how it works and why it’s a feature that will become a requirement (if not already) for most organizations. Why do you need a PDF/A converter? PDF/A is the ISO standard for long-term […]
The first Edition of the PDF Day France took place in Toulouse on April 4th. Speakers from all over the world came to speak – en français – about various aspects of PDF technology. Au programme, we had: Elodie Tellier, COO and Communication Manager (ORPALIS) PDF ISO standards and the PDF Association Lionel Dejean, DMS […]
Today we’re starting a new series of educational posts about PDF optimization. Reducing the size of a document without losing its quality becomes a crucial issue when more and more documents need to be stored and archived online. For a general overview of fonts in PDF documents, you can read our previous article here. Text […]