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Deep Learning for Text Recognition

November 2, 2021

In the previous articles of our series, we covered some of the deep learning techniques used in text detection, which is the first part of any OCR system. In this article, we will cover the second part that composes any OCR system, that is, text recognition. Text recognition without text segmentation Text recognition is the […]

Deep Learning for Text Detection (Part2)

October 25, 2021

This article is the second part of “Deep learning for text detection.” In part 1, we outlined some deep learning approaches based on object detection used to perform text detection. In this part, we will outline some approaches based on image segmentation. There are different types of image segmentation, but for text detection, we will […]

Deep Learning for Text Detection (Part1)

October 18, 2021

In a previous blog article, we outlined several deep learning techniques for OCR. We mentioned how these techniques are used for text detection and text recognition, which are the two primary building blocks of an OCR system. In this article, we will go deeper into how deep learning is being used for text detection, which […]

Deep Learning for OCR

October 5, 2021

OCR or optical character recognition is becoming increasingly important and needed for many companies and organizations that look for ways to automate and streamline their digitalization pipelines. Many companies for example need invoice automation or handwriting recognition. These companies use OCR extensively.  With the rise of AI, we can now tackle OCR problems in an […]