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Catégory : OCR

Document Layout Analysis, the Key for Document Understanding

July 13, 2022

In today’s article, we will show why a strong document layout analysis system is crucial for document understanding and Intelligent Document Processing solutions. Definitions Document Layout Analysis DLA and OCR Document Understanding What are the benefits of a good layout analysis system? The layout analysis system of Tesseract In our latest blog article, we described […]

Introduction to the New Key-Value Pair Data Extractor for the OCR Engine

June 21, 2022

We just released our first implementation of a key-value pair data extractor in the OCR engine for intelligent document understanding and processing. Let’s have a closer look at it. Key-value pair and intelligent document understanding Definitions Key-Value Pair (KVP) Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Benefits and areas of use There are only benefits… …for all industries […]

Introducing the New GdPicture.NET Deep Learning-based ICR Engine

November 5, 2021

We’re gradually improving the machine vision capabilities of our versatile SDK with the release of the first version of a new ICR engine to recognize handwritten numerics. Future versions will support more contexts. What is ICR? Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) is an advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system that can recognize handwritten text and convert […]

Deep Learning for Text Recognition

November 2, 2021

Text recognition machine learning is transforming OCR (optical character recognition) by using advanced algorithms to improve accuracy and speed. In the previous articles of our series, we covered some of the deep learning techniques used in text detection, which is the first part of any OCR system. In this article, we will cover the second […]

Deep Learning for Text Detection (Part2)

October 25, 2021

This article is the second part of “Deep learning for text detection.” In part 1, we outlined some deep learning approaches based on object detection used to perform text detection. In this part, we will outline some approaches based on image segmentation. There are different types of image segmentation, but for text detection, we will […]

Deep Learning for Text Detection (Part1)

October 18, 2021

In a previous blog article, we outlined several deep learning techniques for OCR. We mentioned how these techniques are used for text detection and text recognition, which are the two primary building blocks of an OCR system. In this article, we will go deeper into how deep learning is being used for text detection, which […]

Deep Learning for OCR

October 5, 2021

Deep learning OCR improves the accuracy and efficiency of optical character recognition (OCR) by utilizing advanced neural networks. This technology enables better text recognition, even in complex or low-quality documents, enhancing data extraction and automation processes. OCR or optical character recognition is becoming increasingly important and needed for many companies and organizations that look for […]

Major Improvements of the MICR Detection and Recognition Engine

April 14, 2021

Hi Everyone, In March we have significantly enhanced our MICR engine, in such a way that we announced the new performances and improvements in a press release. But this was before last week’s release, which brought even better performances to the toolkit. We’re proud to have a fast and robust tool that can be a […]

GdPicture.NET OCR SDK: New MRZ Engine

August 31, 2020

Hi Everyone, Earlier this month, we have released a new OCR engine to read ID documents, and today we’re going to tell you more about it. And we’re very happy with the results: our engine decodes MRZ characters on any image in less than 100ms, even if the quality is low and the image skewed.  […]

OCR Support in GdPicture.NET: Updates and Strategies

October 29, 2019

Hi Everyone, We have recently worked a lot on improving our OCR engine, and in today’s post, we’re going to review the new enhancements and features. We are also going to talk about the different strategies you can choose to integrate OCR in your applications, whether you’re using the GdPicture.NET engine or not. Enhancement of […]